They’re neither movie stars nor Olympic gymnasts, but we think each of our trees grown in #10 containers score pretty close to a Perfect 10. Shade, ornamental, and flowering, our extensive lineup of #10 trees offers an ideal size for home gardeners and community tree planters. This size is a top choice of non-profit tree planting groups that are committed to improving their communities through the planting of trees.
Though portable and lightweight enough for handling and planting by one person, they have stout trunks and substantial branches that immediately deliver beauty and environmental services to the landscape. Grown in the rich soils of our fields, harvested bare root and planted in containers, they’re well-rooted, vigorous and quick to establish in the landscape.
On both the community and individual levels, the Benefits of Trees, far outweigh their purchase price! Our Perfect 10’s are economical and will quickly pay back their cost as their value increases while they grow to maturity through the decades. We present this sampler of six and encourage you to look for this economical, portable size at your favorite garden center or landscape distribution center. We think you’ll agree that they’re Perfect 10’s.

Royal Raindrops® Crabapple
Malus ‘JFS-KW5’
A very uniform and symmetrical crown makes Snowdrift Crabapple one of the most formal looking crabs. Snow-white flowers cloak its branches in spring before giving way to green, glossy foliage. Orange fruits of 3/8” diameter persist into the winter months. Resistance to Scab, Cedar-Apple Rust and Mildew are good to excellent, while Fireblight resistance is fair.

Prairie Gold® Aspen
Populus tremuloides ‘NE-Arb’
Prairie Gold® greatly expands the planting range of Quaking Aspen, a popular native species that is typically more at home in the mountains than in lower elevation landscapes. Adapted to the heat, drought and humidity of the Midwestern prairie, this Nebraska native brings lowland adaptability and disease tolerance to a high elevation favorite. We introduced it to the marketplace in cooperation with the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum. Hardy through USDA Zone 4, it grows to a height and spread of about 40’ x 15’. Our multi-trunk forms are perfect for naturalistic landscapes as well as more formal gardens.

Pink Flair® Cherry
Prunus sargentii ‘JFS-KW58’
Big clusters of bright pink, single flowers burst from the upright branches of this compact, narrowly vase-shaped flowering cherry. Blooms avoid frost damage by appearing a week or two later than is typical of the species. Flowers are followed by large, dark green, exceptionally healthy leaves that withstand the heat of summer and periods of drought. Orange red fall color is consistently bright and long lasting. Upright symmetry lends winter appeal, along with distinctive, polished brown bark accented by tannish-cream lenticels.
The most disease resistant cherry we grow, its leaves stay clean and fresh even in our wettest, coolest springs. Since its introduction in 2004, it has proven to be exceptionally adaptable to extremes of heat and cold via plantings in North Dakota, New England, California and the Midwest and Southeast.

Autumn Gold Ginkgo
Ginkgo biloba ‘Autumn Gold’
Named for its striking, golden yellow autumn color that seem to appear overnight, this popular cultivar is an enduring, widely planted favorite. Introduced in 1967 by Princeton Nurseries of New Jersey, this male cultivar is narrow in youth, widening with age to form a broadly pyramidal tree of about 45’ x 35’. Hardiness rating is USDA Zone 3.
Dating from prehistoric times, Ginkgo trees are symbols of survival and adaptability. Fossil records show that the uniquely fan-shaped, leathery leaves have seen this ancient species through 200 million years of evolution while others have died along the evolutionary trail. Ginkgoes continue to thrive in cities around the world despite adverse growing conditions. In general, they are tolerant of compacted soils acid or alkaline, and aren’t bothered much by air pollution, heat or cold, insects or diseases.

Ivory Silk® Japanese Tree Lilac
Syringa reticulata ‘Ivory Silk’
Frothy white summertime flower plumes come to mind when one mentions Ivory Silk® Tree Lilac. When its blooms take center stage in late May and early June, after the blooms of cherries, crabapples, redbuds and other spring bloomers have faded, they attract pollinators eager to find new sources of nectar. (See Plants Bees Like Best) This unique flowering tree demands a curtain call in autumn when its rich, golden-bronze leaves stage a command performance. Adaptability to urban growing conditions, small stature and an upright spreading vase shape have earned this tough little tree a place on our UtiliTrees™ list. Mature height and spread of this USDA Zone 4 tree are 20’ x 15’.

Limelight Hydrangea
Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’
Raise the season-long beauty of Limelight Hydrangea to eye level by choosing our easy-care tree form. Ours have been trained from the cutting stage to grow as small trees with stout single trunks that support sturdy branches. Carefully pruned throughout their years in our nursery, their branches are strong enough to support a dense canopy of medium green leaves and a profusion of flowers that lasts all summer. They’re eye-catching in the garden center and in the landscape as their big cone-shaped blooms emerge light green and mature to creamy white and mature to deep pink in autumn.
A perfect choice for those whose garden space is a patio, a deck, or a rooftop, they are also pollinator favorites. A great addition to the cutting garden, Limelight is a season-long source of colorful, long-lasting flowers that can be enjoyed fresh or dried for months-long enjoyment.