Fall Features
Trees in the nursery, arboretum and around town.
Young trees in front of Mt. Hood
Northern Glow® Maple
Prairie Sentinel® Hackberry
Afterburner® Tupelo
Afterburner® Tupelo
Pink Myst® Cherry
Urban Sunset® Maple
Ruby Sunset® Maple
Powder Keg® Maple
Rugged Ridge® Maple
KoolKat® Katsura Tree
Black Tupelo
Ivory Spea® Crabapple
Ivory Spear® Crabapple
Ruby Dayze® Crabapple
Japanese Stewartia
Japanese Stewartia
Emerald Avenue® Hornbeam
Columnar Tulip Tree
Green Vase™ Zelkova
Red Sentinel® Maple
Red Sentinel® Maple low branched
Red Sentinel® low branched
Hannan's Heart® Katsura Tree
Hannah's Heart® Katsura Tree
City Sprite® Zelkova
Sparkling Sprite® Crabapple
Bowhall Maple
Gold Rush Dawn Redwood
Red Sentinel® Maple - Low Branch
Red Sentinel® Maple
Autumn Treasure® Hophornbeam
Highland Park® Maple
Highland Park® Maple
Vanilla Twist Redbud
Princeton Elm
Redpointe® Maple
Emerald City® Tulip Tree
Emerald City® Tulip Tree
Autumn Fest® Maple
Autumn Fest® Maple
Summerburst® Goldenrain Tree
Spring Flurry® Serviceberry
Spring Flurry® Serviceberry
Snow Crystal® Crabapple
Skyline® Honeylocust #10 1"
Sensation Box Elder #20 1.5"
Ruby Dayze® Crabapple
Ruby Dayze® Crabapple
Rising Fire® Hornbeam
Rising Fire® Hornbeam
Redpointe® Maple
Redpointe® Maple #15 1.25"
Red Rocket Maple
Red Rocket Maple
Northern Lites™ Redbud
Northern Lites™ Redbud
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Kentucky Coffee Tree
Jeeronimus Cottonwood
Ivory Spear® Crabapple
Great Wall Lilac
Goldspire Ginkgo
Goldspire Ginkgo
Cottrell Farm Fall Colors
Cottrell Farm Fall Colors
Autumn Blaze® Maple