All Trees Your place to find information on all the trees we grow. Search MAX HEIGHT: ' MAX SPREAD: ' USDA Zone: Zone 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Hackberry Celtis occidentalis Halka Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba 'Halka' Halka Zelkova Zelkova serrata ‘Halka’ Halka™ Honeylocust Gleditsia tricanthos ‘Christie Hannas Heart® Katsura Tree Cercidiphyllum japonicum 'Biringer' Harcot Apricot Prunus apricot fruiting 'Harcot' Hardy Rubber Tree Eucommia ulmoides Harvest Gold Linden Tilia cordata x mongolica 'Harvest Gold' Harvest Gold® Crabapple Malus 'Hargozam' Heart Throb® Dogwood Cornus kousa 'Schmred' Heart’s Desire™ Redbud Cercis canadensis 'UMN7101' Heartland® Catalpa Catalpa speciosa 'Hiawatha 2' Heavenly White Nectarine Prunus nectarine fruiting 'heavenly white' Hedge Maple Acer campestre Heritage® Birch Betula nigra 'Cully' Heritage® Oak Quercus x macdanielii 'Clemons' High Peaks® Maple Acer grandidentatum ‘JFS KW13AGRA’ New 2024! Highland Park® Maple Acer grandidentatum × saccharum 'Hipzam' Homestead Elm Ulmus 'Homestead' Honeycrisp Apple Malus fruiting 'Honeycrisp' Previous Page1 Page2 Page3 Page4 Page5 Page6 Page7 Page8 Page9 Page10 Page11 Page12 Page13 Page14 Page15 Page16 Page17 Page18 Page19 Page20 Page21 Page22 Page23 Page24 Page25 Page26 Page27 Next